Dental implants

Dental implants are a process through which the roots of the teeth are replaced with screw-like metal supports, and the damaged or missing tooth is replaced with an artificial tooth that closely resembles real teeth in terms of shape and performance.

Dental implants may provide an acceptable alternative to dentures or dental bridges that do not align as required, and may provide an option when natural tooth roots do not allow dentures or dental bridge replacements.
The way dental implant surgery is performed depends on the type of component being implanted and the condition of the jaw bone. Dental implant surgery may include several procedures.

The main benefit of the components that are implanted is to provide a solid support for the new tooth and this process requires that the bone around the component that is being implanted is fully healed, since the said healing needs time, the process may take several months.

Why is this being done

Dental implants are surgically placed in your jawbone, where they act as the roots of missing teeth.

Because the titanium in the implants fuses with your jawbone, the implants won’t slip, make noise, or cause bone damage as a fixed bridge or denture might.

Also, the material does not decay like your teeth, whereas a normal supporting dental bridge can.

: Dental implants may suit you if

You have one or more missing teeth

You have a fully developed jawbone

If you have suitable bone to secure the grafts or are able to accommodate a bone graft

If you have healthy oral tissue

When you do not have health conditions that will affect bone healing

You are unable or unwilling to wear dentures

When you want to improve your speech

You were determined to set aside several months for the process

Don’t smoke tobacco

Dental implant risks

Like any surgery, dental implant surgery poses some health risks. Problems are rare, however, when they do occur they are usually minor and easily treatable. Risks include:Like any surgery, dental implant surgery poses some health risks. Problems are rare, however, when they do occur they are usually minor and easily treatable. Risks include:

Inflammation at the site of cultivation

Injury or damage to surrounding structures, such as teeth or other blood vessels

Nerve damage, which can cause pain, numbness or tingling in your natural teeth, gums, lips or chin

Sinus problems, when dental implants are placed in the upper jaw, they protrude into the sinus cavities

How to prepare

Because dental implants require one or more surgical procedures, you should have a thorough evaluation in order to prepare for this surgery, including:

A comprehensive dental examination. X-rays and 3D images of the teeth may be taken, and models of the teeth and jaw may be taken.

Review your medical history. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions and any medications you take, including prescription or over-the-counter medications and nutritional supplements.

If you have certain heart conditions or have orthopedic implants, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics before surgery to help prevent infection.

Dental implants treatment plan

Depending on the situation, this plan takes into account factors such as the number of teeth that need to be replaced and the condition of the jawbone and remaining teeth.

To control pain, anesthesia options during surgery include local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia.

Talk to your dental professional about the best option for you. Depending on the type of anesthesia you have, your dental care team will give you instructions for eating and drinking before surgery.

And if you’ll have sedation or general anesthesia, plan to have someone drive you home after surgery and plan to rest for the rest of the day.

What you can expect

Dental implant surgery is, in many cases, an outpatient surgery in stages, with a healing time interspersed between the procedures. The process of placing a dental implant includes several stages, including:

Pulling out a damaged tooth

Jawbone preparation (graft), if needed

Dental implant replacement

Bone growth and healing


Installing an artificial tooth

The entire process can take several months from start to finish. Most of the time is spent on healing and waiting for new bone to grow in the jaw. Depending on your condition, the specific procedure being performed or the materials being used, steps can sometimes be combined.

When ordering a vital bone graft after dental implant surgery, if swelling, pain, or any other problem worsens in the days following surgery, contact your oral surgeon.

After each stage of surgery, you may have to eat soft foods while the surgical site heals.

Generally, the surgeon will use stitches that dissolve on their own. If the sutures are not self-dissolving, the doctor will remove them.

Results of Dental implants

Most dental implants are successful. However, sometimes the bone may not fuse sufficiently in the metal implant. Smoking, for example, may contribute to implant failure and complications.

If the bone does not fuse sufficiently, the implant will be removed and the bone cleaned, and you can try the procedure again in about three months.

You can help keep your artificial teeth — and remaining natural teeth — working longer if you:

Practicing good oral habits. Just as with natural teeth, keep your implants, false teeth, and gum tissue clean. Specially designed brushes, such as an interdental brush that slides between teeth, can help clean nooks and crannies around teeth, gums, and metal pegs.

Visit the dentist regularly. Schedule dental exams to ensure the health and proper functioning of your implants and follow the advice of professional cleaning procedures.Avoid harmful habits.

Don’t chew hard things like ice and hard candy, which can break your crowns or your natural teeth. Avoid tobacco, which stains the teeth, as well as caffeine products.And seek treatment if you feel the friction of the teeth.

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